Friday, October 23, 2020

Anarcy 3

Original thread.

@RangeRunner,  Barking at the wrong tree means that you do not reason? Because I'm not barking, I'm arguing.

Let me explain to you what "liberal" means. The word comes from "liberty", and it means a person who supports a government which maximizes individual freedom. Your "liberals" are Marxists, and they have nothing to do with freedom or reason.

Now, about whether anarchy can exist or not, how have you reached the conclusion that it can't? Have you read any book in your life, excepting the Bible?

You may want to read volume I of the "Open Society" by K. R. Popper, available online for free, to begin to comprehend the anarchic political regime of the ancient Athens.

Also, you may want to read and watch these:



Besides these arguments, I have to explain to you a very simple thing: you don't have the right to decide for me, you only have the right to decide for yourself. If you disagree with this simple statement, which itself renders anarchy as the only acceptable form of government, then we have a problem. Also, you may want to browse the Bill of Rights, which obviously supports my position. Maybe you try to impose your "understanding" of the Bible on me, or some other idiotic ideology. That would be a bad idea.

I have done my best to find a way to share this planet with other people in peace and prosperity, in a fair and decent fashion. Your answer is confusing at best.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Anarchy 2

I never said that there should be no government. I said that there should be no hierarchy. I explained this above.

I never said that there should be no militia. I explained this above. I referred to The Bill of Rights. My arguments have been ignored.

Since the neighborhood watch team is comprised of all citizens living there, that is not cops. Cops were recruited by a far away government from poor people with no morals and they were accomplice in the robbery, as that very video clearly states.

I never said that the Council of the Elderly is immune to corruption. I am not arguing that anarchy is perfect, since that would mean that people are perfect, and that is a senseless idiocy. However, the Council of the Elderly is made up of 80 people in a town of 16000, and that means that the 80 people are closely controlled by citizens.

The neighborhood watch team is not going to rob their own family or neighbors, unless they are looking for deep trouble. See also the Theory.

"Why are you trying to convince us of this nonsense?"
I thought that you're worthy of a debate. 


Original thread. 

You describe the present situation in detail. The only thing the government makes is to create a monopoly on crime. The result is that people are not free and therefore they are not responsible. People remain infantile. This is then used by people like you to argue that people are unable to govern themselves and that they must be slaves.

You completely disregard my arguments above. I will repeat them here:



Let me simplify my argument for you:

1. Each person has its own head and arms and hands. Therefore each person can decide for itself and it can do whatever it has decided, within normal natural constraints defined, for example, by laws of physics.

2. We are made to live together in communities. We are wired for that. This is how humanity has lived for 200,000 years before the first empires emerged. In a sane community, where people have not been heavily traumatized since childhood, to become overwhelmed with fear and to lack compassion for other people, the neighbors would intervene.

3. In an atomized society, people higher in the social hierarchy will torture and kill people lower in hierarchy as they please. This is exactly what is going on today.

Now, you either read and answer my arguments at the "Theory" link, or you concede defeat.

And you either go and kill an owner and steal a house in Switzerland and / or Cheran, or at least you show me that the situation in those places is worse than in the US, Epstein included, or you concede defeat.

P.S. As our NWO controlled governments are killing us as we speak, whatever was left of your argument is no longer valid.