Sunday, December 01, 2019

Nazism == Marxism

6:15 Ukraine genocide

11:20 Marxism (communism) - Nazism, new man

14:10 socialists advocated genocide

16:08 Karl Marx:
"Classes and races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way." People's Paper, April 16, 185? 1852
"They must perish in the revolutionary holocaust" Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol 42, No. 1. 1981.

16:57 Nazism = Marxism (communism)

18:37 Nazism = Marxism (communism)

next, parallel posters

45:59 Jews from Nazi Germany delivered back by USSR to be killed

52:32 Soviets decrease the number of Jews in their government, culture, etc.

#communism #genocide #socialism #totalitarianism #marxism #nazism #nazi #ww2 #holocaust

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