Politically, there should be, let's say, three elected rooms, one with representatives proportional to population, another proportional to GDP, another proportional to income per capita. It is important to allocate political decisions among these rooms in a way that protects lives of people (unbearable decisions are not made) and still initiatives are followed. For example, in US, the Senate can defend, to some extend, the interests of smaller states, which are less represented in the Congress.
First of all, there should be transfers to the individuals, rather than agriculture. Then, there should be macro motivated transfers, to initiate projects that would not spring from private enterprise.
As a rule,
Another obvious problem is the complete lack of feedback to and control of the EU administration. Top officials gained financially and politically from the increase in value of euro while they were cutting social aid in EU countries. The Constitution draft provided indeed institutions for a more efficient production in EU, but when I looked on the Internet I had a surprise: the social assistance was to be provided according to whatever national law is in place. First of all, the Constitution is above the national laws, so the five lines chapter could have been missing altogether, and secondly I could not find any link for a comment, feedback, or forum on the official page containing the Constitution draft. Better control systems of the EU administration could use IT technology and Alvin Toffler's proposals in his book "The Third Wave".
It would be a good idea to reduce subsidies for agriculture in